Influence analysis of the layer orientation on mechanical and metallurgic characteristics of DED manufactured parts
Conference Paper
Date Issued
Lasers in Manufacturing Conference (LiM 2021)
Contribution to Conference
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V.
With an increasing trend in product individualization, manufacturing custom-designed solutions and focusing on the
explicit industry’s needs are crucial to the manufacturer’s success. Especially within high-tech industries such as aerospace
industry, high-strength, large-sized but still lightweight metal parts are required. Although the Direct-Energy-Deposition
(DED)-technology offers a proven outset point for targeting this issue, there are few material-, metallurgic-, process-, and
geometry specific data available to support the initial design process of such parts. This contribution presents a profound
study of different steel- and aluminium materials with respect to their metallurgic and mechanical characteristics. Using a
state-of-the art DED-Laser system, tensile test specimens have been manufactured with alternative layer orientations.
These specimens are analyzed with regard to the required milling oversize, heat-induced stress deformation, metallurgic
characteristics and their tensile characteristics. As a result of this investigation, a suitable baseline for the future
generation of a DED design-by-feature catalogue is given
explicit industry’s needs are crucial to the manufacturer’s success. Especially within high-tech industries such as aerospace
industry, high-strength, large-sized but still lightweight metal parts are required. Although the Direct-Energy-Deposition
(DED)-technology offers a proven outset point for targeting this issue, there are few material-, metallurgic-, process-, and
geometry specific data available to support the initial design process of such parts. This contribution presents a profound
study of different steel- and aluminium materials with respect to their metallurgic and mechanical characteristics. Using a
state-of-the art DED-Laser system, tensile test specimens have been manufactured with alternative layer orientations.
These specimens are analyzed with regard to the required milling oversize, heat-induced stress deformation, metallurgic
characteristics and their tensile characteristics. As a result of this investigation, a suitable baseline for the future
generation of a DED design-by-feature catalogue is given
DDC Class
530: Physik
600: Technik
620: Ingenieurwissenschaften
Funding Organisations
More Funding Information
The acknowledgements being relevant for this contribution are based on the research project DEPOSE – Additive Fertigung von Kabinenmonumenten mittels Direct Energy Deposition (20Q1905), funded by the Federal Ministry for economic Affairs and energy (BMWi) within the 6th civil aviation research program (Luftfahrtforschungsprogramm, LuFo VI-1), controlled by the Projekt Management Agency for Aeronautics Research (Projektträger Luftfahrtforschung, PT-LF).