Wirtschaftliche Leistungsregulierung für Offshore-Windparks mit Ringnetz
Other Titles
Economic power control for offshore wind farms with loop connection cables
Journal Article
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At-Automatisierungstechnik 9 (68): 765-780 (2020-09-25)
Publisher DOI
Scopus ID
The Canadian developer and owner of green power facilities Northland Power Inc. owns two offshore wind farms (OWFs) in the German Bight, Deutsche Bucht and Nordsee One, operated by the subsidiary Northland Power Europe GmbH. The company supports and conducts research in the field of power flow optimization in wind farm networks. The work at hand represents the results of this effort to maximize the efficiency of the assets. The project was accomplished within a cooperation between the Nordsee One GmbH and the Institute of Electrical Power and Energy Technology at the Hamburg University of Technology. From an external point of view, an OWF represents an "en bloc"power plant connected to the onshore transmission grid via power export cables. Nevertheless, such a power plant comprises a complex, large-scale internal medium voltage network. In case of failure or cable outage, the network topology of an OWF may be modified and unintended overloading of inter-array cables (IACs) is possible. In order to address this issue, a new algorithm and software tool for economic power control in OWFs are introduced in the following which can be employed in wind farms with integrated loop connection cables (LCCs). This configuration particularly entails the risk of overloading cable segments depending on the present wind speed. The new algorithm provides the operator with adapted active power setpoints for each wind turbine generator (WTG) in a given network topology. The aim is to maximize OWF power generation and minimize internal power losses while secure network operation is guaranteed. Using load flow analysis based on WTG power output measurements, the load on each cable section is monitored and the cables can be utilized to their individual full capacity while overload is avoided. The practicability of the approach is demonstrated by means of simulation results.
economic wind farm power control
load flow analysis
optimal WTG setpoints
power flow optimization
ring network
wind farm operation
wind farm power control