Data-driven generation of tailored wave sequences
Conference Paper
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2024)
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This paper explores the applicability of machine learning techniques for the generation of tailored wave sequences. For this purpose, a fully convolutional neural network was implemented for relating the target wave sequence at the target location in time domain to the respective control signal of the wave board. The database was generated by means of extensive wave tank tests. The experimental campaign focused on the generation of very steep wave groups including wave breaking which cannot be covered by the simplified wave generation methods. The extensive experimental campaign was performed in a small wave tank with an fully automated approach including determination and control of the wave maker motion as well as data measurement. The training data set features wave groups of short duration based on JONSWAP spectra, where the parameters wave steepness, peak wave period and enhancement factor were systematically varied. At the end of the training process, the trained models are able to predict the wave maker control signal based on time series of the target wave defined for a specific target location in the wave tank. The accuracy of the trained models are evaluated by means of unseen validation data. In addition, the predictive accuracy of the trained models is compared with the classical linear transformation approach.
fully convolutional neural network | machine learning | tailored wave sequences | wave tank
DDC Class
005: Computer Programming, Programs, Data and Security
620: Engineering